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Teams API

The Teams API allows you to manage and retrieve information about teams within your organization. This document provides an overview of the team object and available endpoints.

Team Object

A team object represents a group of employees within your organization. Here's an overview of the team object properties:

_idstringUnique identifier for the team
namestringName of the team
statusstringCurrent status of the team (e.g., "ACTIVE")
reviewersarray of objectsList of reviewers for the team
codestringUnique code for the team
createdAtstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the team was created
updatedAtstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the team was last updated
__vnumberVersion number (internal use)
updated_bystringIdentifier of the user who last updated the team
employee_countnumberNumber of employees in the team
employeesarray of objectsList of employees in the team
balancenumberCurrent balance of the team

Reviewer Object

Each reviewer in the team has the following properties:

employee_idstringUnique identifier for the reviewer
namestringName of the reviewer
read_onlybooleanIndicates if the reviewer has read-only access
_idstringUnique identifier for the reviewer entry
added_onstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the reviewer was added

Employee Object

Each employee in the team has the following properties:

namestringFull name of the employee
phonestringPhone number of the employee
organization_emailstringWork email address of the employee
employee_idstringUnique identifier for the employee
rolestringRole of the employee (e.g., "CARD USER", "REVIEWER", "APPROVER")
team_codestringCode of the team the employee belongs to
keystringUnique key for the employee (same as employee_id)
balancenumberCurrent balance of the employee

API Endpoints

The following endpoints are available for managing teams:

Get All Teams API

Retrieves a list of all teams in the organization.

GET /v1/teams

Get a Specific Team

Retrieves details of a specific team by its ID.

GET /v1/teams/{teamId}

Create a New Team

Creates a new team in the organization.

POST /v1/teams

Update a Team

Updates the details of an existing team.

PUT /v1/teams/{teamId}

Delete a Team

Deletes a team from the organization.

DELETE /v1/teams/{teamId}

Add a Reviewer to a Team

Adds a new reviewer to a specific team.

POST /v1/teams/{teamId}/reviewers

Remove a Reviewer from a Team

Removes a reviewer from a specific team.

DELETE /v1/teams/{teamId}/reviewers/{reviewerId}

For detailed information on request and response formats, please refer to the Teams API specification (teams.yaml).