Last updated


Represents a single expense transaction in the system.

Expense API Reference ->


_idstringUnique identifier for the expense
amountnumberThe expense amount
feesnumberAssociated fees for the transaction
chargenumberTotal charge including fees
original_currencystringOriginal currency code of the transaction
currencystringCurrency code used for the expense
original_amountnumberOriginal amount in the transaction currency
transaction_refstringUnique reference for the transaction
provider_refstringReference provided by the payment provider
employee_idstringUnique identifier for the employee
personstringName of the person associated with the expense
transaction_datestring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time of the transaction
MerchantCategoryCodestringCategory code for the merchant
MerchantIdentifierstringIdentifier for the merchant
fx_ratenumberForeign exchange rate applied
card_vcnstringVirtual Card Number used for the transaction
receiverstringIdentifier of the receiver of the payment
accnostringAccount number (if applicable)
payment_typestringType of payment (e.g., "CARD")
channelstringChannel used for the transaction
subcategoryobjectSubcategory details for the expense
subcategory._idstringUnique identifier for the subcategory
subcategory.categoryobjectMain category details
subcategory.category._idstringUnique identifier for the main category
subcategory.category.groupidstringGroup ID for the main category
subcategory.category.namestringName of the main category
subcategory.codestringCode for the subcategory
subcategory.namestringName of the subcategory
teamobjectTeam details associated with the expense
team._idstringUnique identifier for the team
team.namestringName of the team
team.codestringCode for the team
tagarrayArray of tags associated with the expense
notesstringAdditional notes for the expense
riskstringRisk level of the transaction
risk_notesstringNotes regarding the risk assessment
ipstringIP addresses associated with the transaction
attachmentsarray of stringsURLs of attached documents
payment_statusstringStatus of the payment
statusstringOverall status of the expense
review_participantsarrayList of participants in the review process
review_mandatenumberNumber of required reviews
review_levelnumberCurrent level of review
eventsarrayArray of events associated with the expense
exportedbooleanIndicates if the expense has been exported
sync_successfulbooleanIndicates if the expense has been successfully synced
org_wallet_refstringReference to the organization's wallet
vendorstringName or identifier of the vendor
customernullCustomer information (if applicable)
account_numberstringAccount number associated with the expense
reviewsarray of objectsList of review actions taken on the expense
reviews[].personstringName of the person who performed the review
reviews[].notesstringNotes added during the review
reviews[].statusstringStatus of the review
reviews[]._idstringUnique identifier for the review
reviews[].reviewed_onstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time of the review
createdAtstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the expense was created
updatedAtstring (ISO 8601 date-time)Date and time when the expense was last updated
__vnumberVersion number of the document
idstringAlias for _id


  "_id": "66e055c6a915de8a964b4334",
  "amount": 250,
  "fees": 14,
  "charge": 264,
  "original_currency": "KES",
  "currency": "KES",
  "original_amount": 250,
  "transaction_ref": "T-SITI7A2DPRQVHH",
  "provider_ref": "SIA04NCCZY",
  "employee_id": "0D1549CF0B9EC5061BC1F9E1",
  "person": "J Kemboi",
  "transaction_date": "2024-09-10T14:20:53.000Z",
  "MerchantCategoryCode": "",
  "MerchantIdentifier": "",
  "fx_rate": 1,
  "card_vcn": "520182200003877",
  "receiver": "8301258",
  "accno": "",
  "payment_type": "CARD",
  "channel": "BUY GOODS",
  "subcategory": {
    "_id": "64ec5b4affaef6ff2a284548",
    "category": {
      "_id": "64ec5b4affaef6ff2a284545",
      "groupid": "1",
      "name": "Business Meals"
    "code": "495",
    "name": "Employee Meals"
  "team": {
    "_id": "64ec5b57ffaef6ff2a2845b3",
    "name": "Tech",
    "code": "0003"
  "tag": [],
  "notes": "Lunch",
  "risk": "low",
  "risk_notes": "valid",
  "ip": ",",
  "attachments": [
  "payment_status": "paid",
  "status": "pending",
  "review_participants": [],
  "review_mandate": 1,
  "review_level": 1,
  "events": [],
  "exported": false,
  "sync_successful": false,
  "org_wallet_ref": "1",
  "vendor": "6235126 - SUMPTIOUS SNACK BASKET via BOA",
  "customer": null,
  "account_number": "P007195",
  "reviews": [
      "person": "J Kemboi",
      "notes": "Added supporting documents",
      "status": "pending",
      "_id": "66e06d84421bce54ca2ee152",
      "reviewed_on": "2024-09-10T16:02:12.274Z"
  "createdAt": "2024-09-10T14:20:54.290Z",
  "updatedAt": "2024-09-10T16:02:12.275Z",
  "__v": 1,
  "id": "66e055c6a915de8a964b4334"