Last updated

Statement API

The Statement API allows you to retrieve financial statements and transaction details for your Boya account. This document outlines the structure of the API response and explains key components.


GET /v1/wallet/all-in-one/{currency_ref}

Test the endpoint

Response Structure

The API returns a paginated list of statement entries, each representing a financial transaction.

Top-level Response

docsarrayAn array of statement entries
totalnumberTotal number of entries matching the query
limitstringNumber of entries per page
pagestringCurrent page number
pagesnumberTotal number of pages

Statement Entry

Each entry in the docs array represents a financial transaction and has the following structure:

_idstringUnique identifier for the statement entry
currencystringCurrency code (e.g., "USD")
org_wallet_refstringReference to the organization's wallet
accountstringAccount number associated with the transaction
creditnumberAmount credited (if applicable)
debitnumberAmount debited (if applicable)
counternumberTransaction counter
descriptionstringDescription of the transaction
refstringTransaction reference number
created_bystringIdentifier of the user or system that created the entry
transaction_typestringType of transaction (e.g., "EXPENSE", "TOPUP", "REFUND", "REVERSAL")
running_balancenumberAccount balance after this transaction
business_running_balancenumberBusiness account balance after this transaction
createdAtstringTimestamp of when the entry was created
updatedAtstringTimestamp of when the entry was last updated

Transaction Details

Depending on the transaction_type, additional details are provided in a nested object:


For transaction_type: "EXPENSE", an expense object is included with details about the expense transaction.


For transaction_type: "TOPUP", a topup object is included with details about the account top-up.


For transaction_type: "REFUND", a refund object is included with details about the refund transaction.


For transaction_type: "REVERSAL", a refund object is included with details about the reversal transaction (Note: This appears to be using the same structure as a refund in the provided example).

Example Usage

  .then((response) => response.json())
  .then((data) => {
    console.log(`Total entries: ${}`); => {
        `Transaction: ${entry.description}, Amount: ${
 || -entry.debit
        } ${entry.currency}`


Use the page and limit query parameters to navigate through paginated results:

GET /v1/wallet/all-in-one/1?page=2&limit=25

Error Handling

For information on error codes and handling, please consult our Error Handling Guide.

Additional Notes

  • All timestamps are in ISO 8601 format.
  • Amounts are represented as numbers, with debits being positive and credits being negative.
  • The running_balance and business_running_balance fields provide a snapshot of account balances after each transaction.

For more detailed information on working with financial data, please refer to our comprehensive financial reporting guide.